EÖ Presents 》Clear Path by Amami.H

To a wandering friend
A step after the other leads to where?

Just like you
Here we are burdened by choice
The ones made and
The ones yet to take
The ones bestowed by nature and
The ones fostered by society

Expectations on high…
Degree, you must get at a certain age
Employment, you must secure from a certain sector
Marriage, you must not miss in late 20s
Any short of these, is a burden to the mind

You are not alone, gutted by doubt
Not of success
But the path to success
The forerunners gave a tale of crooked path
Yet not for once did we find dust on their foot

Hard to pick, who to model after
In a society of ours
Where vice is the new norm
And virtue
An alien to our smart-age

You are not alone, wondering why we are here
When every creed
Claims the right to the ‘absolute TRUTH’
And the only path to LIGHT!

Hard to find, where to pitch one’s tent
In a society of ours
Where faith temples
Prioritised the need for one more jet
And Spartan life
A curse to the doctrine

You are not alone, questioning our oneness
When every clan feel marginalised and
Secession the only path

Hard to know, who to relate with
In a society of ours
Where every tribe beat the drum of war
Yet, it is the blood of the commoners
That will go for it

Yes, my friend
A journey of a thousand miles
Begins with a step. And
A step after the other leads to where one is focused
Yet, along each step may appear a rocky ground or a bend

Let not the bend distort your focus. ‘Cos

The Moon
The Stars
That shines with the dark of the night
Is an ember of hope that
Come with darn is the bright of day.

-Amami H.


Any Thoughts?